3 Daily Decisions That Will Change Your Perspective Forever

Ever feel like you're stuck on a hamster wheel of unfulfilling routines and limiting beliefs? You wake up each day, go through the motions, and wonder why you're not experiencing the joy, abundance, and success you crave.

We've all been there, especially as Dadpreneurs. Trapped in a cycle of focusing on what's missing, dwelling on things we can't control, and postponing our happiness for some distant future. It's exhausting, demoralizing, and downright frustrating.

But here's the good news: Flipping the script doesn’t have to be complicated. In this week’s digest, we'll explore the transformative power of perspective and discover three daily decisions that will revolutionize your experience of life.

The path to greater fulfillment, resilience, and impact is closer than you think.

Let's dive in:

Big Idea: By consciously choosing what to focus on, what things mean, and what actions to take, we can transform our reality.

Our experience of life is shaped by the lens we view it through. The things we choose to focus on, the meaning we assign to events, and the actions we take in response largely determine the quality of our reality.

Imagine waking up each day with a sense of abundance, empowerment, and excitement for what's to come. That only comes when we are actively making the right decisions each day.

I first learned the 3 decisions idea of from a podcast with Theo Von & Tony Robbins and it rocked me… I couldn’t stop thinking about if for the whole week. It has been an imperfect pursuit of mine ever since that I can’t help but share with all my fellow Dadpreneurs out there.

Why It Matters: The Dadpreneur Difference

Building Yourself: By focusing on what you have, you'll cultivate a deep sense of gratitude and contentment. This not only feels great, but it actually changes your biochemistry and primes your brain for positivity and success.

Building Family: When you embrace the present moment and find joy in the little things, you'll be more fully engaged with your loved ones. This leads to deeper connections, better communication, and happier family dynamics.

Building Business: Controlling what you can and letting go of what you can't allows you to take empowered action towards your goals. You'll be more resilient in the face of challenges and better equipped to seize opportunities as they arise.

The Benefits:

  • Increased gratitude and fulfillment

  • Greater resilience and adaptability

  • Deeper connections with loved ones

  • Enhanced creativity and productivity

  • More joy and presence in daily life

Framework: 3 Daily Decisions That Will Change Your Perspective

Ready to revolutionize your outlook on life? Here are the three key decisions you need to make every single day:

  1. What to focus on: Where you place your attention determines your entire experience of reality. Choose to focus on what you have, control what you can, and embrace the present moment to build a brighter future.

    This simple shift in focus has the power to transform even the most mundane moments into sources of joy and appreciation. Train your brain to seek out the good, and you’re more likely to find it everywhere you look.

  2. What things mean: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. You can't always control your circumstances, but you can always choose what they mean to you.

    By deciding to view challenges as opportunities for growth and setbacks as temporary, you'll cultivate a sense of empowerment and resilience that will serve you in every area of life.

  3. What to do: Embrace the present moment while taking steps to build a brighter future. Find joy in the here and now, and use that positive energy to fuel your progress towards your goals.

    When you're fully engaged in the present, you'll be more creative, productive, and impactful in everything you do. Plus, you'll be modeling the kind of present presence that your family thrives on.

Tactics: How to Implement These Decisions Daily

Knowing what to do is one thing, but actually doing it is another. Here are some high-level and practical ways to make these perspective shifts a daily habit:

  1. Start each morning with gratitude: Before you even get out of bed, take a few moments to appreciate all the good in your life. This simple practice will prime your brain for positivity and set the tone for the day ahead.

  2. Reframe challenges as opportunities: When faced with a difficult situation, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this? How can I grow?" This empowering perspective will help you find the silver lining in even the toughest circumstances.

  3. Savor the small moments: Throughout the day, take time to fully engage your senses and appreciate the little things - a warm cup of coffee, a beautiful sunset, a heartfelt hug from your child. These micro-moments of joy add up to a life of profound fulfillment.

In Action

Keeping a physical or digital journal is a powerful way to become more intentional about the three key decisions that shape your reality. Here's how to use this simple tool for maximum impact:

  1. Each morning, prime yourself for an amazing day by writing down:

    • 3 things you're grateful for (training your brain to focus on the positive)

    • 3 outcomes you want to create (focusing on what you can influence)

    • The empowering meanings you'll choose to assign to events (e.g. challenges are opportunities to grow, feedback is a gift, etc.)

  2. Throughout the day, jot down wins, insights, and great moments. This builds your focusing muscle and reminds you to appreciate the good.

  3. If something challenging or stressful happens, write about it. Acknowledge your emotions, then consciously choose the meaning you want to give it and brainstorm productive actions you can take. This moves you from victim mode into empowerment and solutions.

  4. In the evening, review your day and write down:

    • 3 wins or things you enjoyed (no matter how small)

    • Any lessons or insights you want to carry forward

    • 1-3 action steps for an even better tomorrow

Whether you prefer old-school pen and paper or the convenience of a note app like Notion, the key is to write consistently and in a way that works for you. Even a few conscious minutes a day of writing can make a huge difference in your mindset and results.

When you start and end each day by intentionally choosing your focus, meanings and actions, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can shift your experience of reality. You'll be more positive, resilient, and effective - both at home and in your Dadpreneur ventures.

Wrapping It Up

Listen, as Dadpreneurs life is too short to stay stuck in a perspective that doesn't serve you. By making these three simple decisions each day, you can transform your experience of reality and unlock a whole new level of joy, focus, and possibility.

So start today… Intentionally choose what to focus on, what things mean, and what actions to take, and watch your reality change. Your future self (and your family) will thank you.

Let's Keep Building Together,
Noah Wessel

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